✨ First Christmas Celebration in Kusuma Bangsa School🎄

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The 2024 Christmas celebration was a historic moment filled with joy and reverence. Together with Christian students from elementary, middle, and high school, along with teachers and staff, the spirit of love and togetherness shone brightly.

Merry Christmas! Let’s continue to spread peace in every step we take. 🤍


Ibadah dan Perayaan Natal tahun ini menjadi momen yang penuh sukacita dan khidmat. Bersama siswa/i kristiani (Katolik dan Protestan) dari SD, SMP, SMA, guru, serta para staff, semangat kasih dan kebersamaan terasa begitu hangat.

Selamat Natal, mari terus sebarkan damai di setiap langkah kita.


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