2023 Chinese New Year Celebration

Kusuma Bangsa School once again held a joint Chinese New Year celebration. Before the pandemic, we’ve always celebrated several holidays together such as Eid al-Fitr, Christmas, etc.. Students work together in preparing the needs related to the event, regardless of ethnicity, religion and race.

One of the reasons for celebrating Chinese New Year is so that students can recognize and appreciate the history of Indonesian culture which is also influenced by the culture of the Chinese ethnicity.

We hope that through this Chinese New Year celebration, the atmosphere of harmony and joy among the members of the Kusuma Bangsa School will always continue.


Sekolah Kusuma Bangsa kembali menyelenggarakan perayaan Imlek bersama. Sebelum masa pandemi covid, kami selalu merayakan beberapa hari besar seperti Idul Fitri, Natal, dan juga Imlek. Peserta didik saling bergotong-royong dalam menyiapkan keperluan yang berkaitan dengan acara, tanpa memandang suku, agama, dan ras.

Salah satu alasan merayakan Imlek agar peserta didik dapat mengenal dan menghargai sejarah budaya Indonesia yang juga dipengaruhi oleh budaya dari etnis Tionghoa.

Harapan kami melalui perayaan Imlek ini, suasana harmoni dan kerukunan antar warga Sekolah Kusuma Bangsa dapat terus terpelihara dengan baik.


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