Passed the 2024 SBNP

We would like to proudly congratulate 17 of our Graduating Seniors who have successfully passed the 2024 SNBP – The National Achievement-Based College Application and Selection! (Please swipe left)

Your success is clear evidence of the perseverance and hard work that you have put in throughout your time in our school. May this success serve as a catalyst for continued excellence in the future.


Dengan bangga kami ingin mengucapkan selamat kepada 17 peserta didik SMA Kusuma Bangsa yang telah berhasil lolos SNBP 2024 – Seleksi Nasional Berbasis Prestasi! (Silakan geser foto ke kiri)

Keberhasilan kalian adalah bukti nyata dari ketekunan dan kerja keras yang telah kalian perjuangkan. Kami turut bangga atas prestasi ini. Semoga keberhasilan ini menjadi pemicu semangat untuk terus berprestasi di masa depan.


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