From Kumbang to UBC: Congrats, Razan!

We are proud to announce that Razan has been accepted to the Bachelor of Science Program at the University of British Columbia 😎

As you all might remember, this is a seriously amazing achievement since he’ll be attending UBC under a full-ride scholarship (totaling around 4 billion Rupiahs 😱) from LPDP, and he’ll be joining hundreds of other scholars from all across Indonesia in this 1st batch of Indonesia Maju Scholarship Winners 😎

Razan, we are all so proud of you, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll achieve next πŸ‘ŒπŸ½


Kami dengan bangga mengumumkan bahwa Razan telah diterima di program Sarjana Science di University of British Columbia 😎

Pencapaian ini sangat hebat karena Razan akan berkuliah di UBC dengan beasiswa penuh dari LPDP (berjumlah sekitar 4 Milyar Rupiah 😱) – Beasiswa Indonesia Maju Angkatan 1 πŸ‘ŒπŸ½

Razan, kami semua sangat bangga denganmu, dan kami tidak sabar menanti pencapaian2mu yang selanjutnya πŸ‘ŒπŸ½

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