We are proud to announce that 6 of our 12th graders of the Class of 2023 have been accepted at both the University of Indonesia and Sriwijaya University through the 2023 SNBP (National Selection Based on Achievement) selection.
Congratulations on your achievements 👌🏽May you all be successful in your respective studies.
And we wish our Class of 2023 students who are still fighting to reach their dream campuses both at home and abroad, the very best of luck 👌🏽
Dengan bangga kami umumkan bahwa 6 orang peserta didik kelas XII kami telah diterima di Universitas Indonesia dan Universitas Sriwijaya melalui seleksi jalur SNBP (Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Prestasi) 2023.
Selamat atas kelulusan kalian, semoga terus sukses di jenjang perkuliahan masing-masing.
Semangat bagi peserta didik kelas XII yang masih berjuang untuk meraih kampus impian kalian baik di dalam dan di luar negeri.