Acer Smart School Award 2021

Our headmasters, Mr. Dony + Mr. Agus, and a representative of the Middle School teachers, Ms. Sih, finally received our awards from @acerid tonight 😎

They took some cool pictures with some pretty cool people as well 😎:
– 1st pics with Mr. Herbert Ang, President Director of Acer Indonesia
– 2nd pic’s with Ms. Leny Ng, Director of Sales & Marketing

Amazing way to cap off everything, and honestly, we would not have achieved these awards without thanking our tireless staff + faculty for their hard work + dedication towards the betterment of our school. So thank you all so so soooo much πŸ™πŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸ½

Onward to greater and bigger things!


Pada malam Penganugrahan Pemenang Acer Smart School Awards 2021, Rabu, 19 Januari 2022, Kepala SMP dan Kepala SMA kami, Pak Agus dan Pak Dony, dan juga Ibu Sih selaku perwakilan guru SMP, akhirnya menerima awards yang diberikan ke sekolah kami. 😎

Mereka juga berfoto dengan beberapa orang penting di @acerid 😎:
– Foto pertama dengan Presdir Herbert Ang
– Foto kedua dengan Direktur Sales + Marketing, Leny Ng

Award ini merupakan milik bersama, dan terima kasih sebanyak-banyaknya kepada para staff dan guru-guru kami atas dedikasi dan kerja keras mereka menuju Sekolah Kusuma Bangsa yang lebih baik πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

Maju terus!!


P.s. Shoutout to our alumnus @michaelgtnobel for letting us know about this competition from way back then 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

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