Acer Smart School Awards 2021: Overall Winners

We’re proud to announce that after a rigorous selection process joined by over 2000 schools across Indonesia, both our High School + Middle School have managed to won a couple of awards given by Acer.

Our High School headmaster, Mr. Dony, was selected as one of the most inspirational headmasters in Indonesia, and our Middle School was selected as one of the Schools of the Year.

The judges came to the school today to assess our campus + to have a little discussion on how to better our school.

Congratulations to our staff for working hard in achieving this momentous achievements πŸ‘πŸ»


Dengan bangga, kami mengumumkan bahwa SMP + SMA kami telah memenangkan beberapa kategori Acer Smart School Awards 2021. Kompetisi ini diikuti oleh 2000+ sekolah di Indonesia

Pak Dony, Kepala Sekolah SMA kami, memenangkan kategori Kepsek Inspiratif. Sedangkan, SMP kami berhasil meraih School of the Year 2021

Hari ini, juri-juri Award ini dari Kantor Acer pusat dan PGRI datang ke kampus kami utk meninjau sekolah dan juga untuk berdiskusi dengan staf-staf kami.

Selamat bagi seluruh staf kami dalam kerja keras mereka dalam mencapai prestasi ini πŸ‘πŸ»


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