August Achievements: Sports Edition

Today, we’re highlighting our Sports Champs who achieved so much during last month’s sports competitions 😎

From our High-Riding MotoGP Champ from the Elementary School, to the older kids who did so well on last month’s basketball tourneys, including those who participated in DBL + Popda Tournaments 🏀

Shoutout to our DBL Dancers who’ve managed to secure 3rd place amongst hundreds of other dance troupes from all around South Sumatra

Couldn’t think of more deserving group of young men + women, and may they achieve more in the next stages of their tourneys (especially the Popda kids) 😎👌🏽


Hari ini kami menghighlight siswa/i kami yang meraih berbagai medali di ajang2 olahraga pada bulan Agustus.

Termasuk diantaranya adalah seorang atlet MotoGP cilik, dan juga kakak2 kelas yang merupakan atlet basket yang handal 😎

Termasuk juga Dance Team SMA Kumbang yang berhasil mencapai juara 3 di ajang DBL Dance Sumsel – sangat membanggakan 😎👌🏽

Semoga mereka terus sukses di ajang2 selanjutnya (apalagi anak2 Popda yang akan menuju ke Babak Nasional), dan kita tunggu gebrakan mereka selanjutnya 😎👌🏽

P.s. Miss Christie and Mr. Alex weren’t a part of the Dance Team 😆


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