Callista + Razan: Our 1st Ever Indonesia Maju Scholars, Class of ‘21

We’re proud to announce that two of our 12th graders, Callista and Razan, have passed the selection in becoming the first ever Indonesia Maju Scholars, Class of 2021!

This Scholarship meant that both Razan and Callista will have their college educations fully-funded by the Indonesian government, with an extensive choice of the world’s best universities to choose from (including Harvard, Tsinghua, Nanyang, and many more)!

Both of them wanted to have a career in Computers and Technology, with dream schools in Canada, Japan, and also Singapore. Let’s wish them well so that they may get their LoAs (Letter of Acceptance) from their chosen colleges soon 👌🏽

We would also like to thank our hardworking teachers for preparing our kids until they are able to achieve this amazing accomplishment 👌🏽

Once again, congratulations guys 🎉 🎉🎉


Kami dengan bangga mengumumkan bahwa dua peserta didik kelas XII, Callista dan Razan, berhasil lolos seleksi Beasiswa Indonesia Maju, Angkatan Pertama (2021).

Dengan beasiswa ini, Razan dan Callista bisa menuju berbagai macam Universitas top di dunia (seperti Harvard, Tsinghua, Nanyang, dll), dan akan dibayar penuh oleh pemerintah Indonesia.

Mereka berdua ingin bergelut di bidang Komputer dan juga Teknologi, dengan cita-cita menuju universitas top di Kanada, Jepang, dan juga Singapore. Semoga mereka terus berhasil, sampai akhirnya mereka mendapatkan Surat Penerimaan dari Universitas-universitas Top yang mereka inginkan. 👌🏽

Terima kasih juga kepada guru-guru yang sudah membimbing mereka berdua sampai tahap ini. 👌🏽


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