🎉 Congratulations to the SNBP 2025 Warriors! 🎉
We are so proud! A total of 14 students from SMA Kusuma Bangsa have successfully passed the 2025 National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP)! Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have finally paid off. This is the beginning of a new journey toward even greater dreams!
For friends who are still fighting through the SNBT/UTBK pathway, stay motivated! Opportunities are still wide open, and success has many paths. Keep striving, believe in yourself, and give it your best! 🏆🔥
Keren! Sebanyak 14 siswa SMA Kusuma Bangsa berhasil lolos Seleksi Nasional Berbasis Prestasi (SNBP) 2025. Perjuangan, kerja keras, dan konsistensi kalian akhirnya terbayar. Awal dari perjalanan baru menuju cita-cita yang lebih tinggi!
Buat teman-teman yang masih berjuang di jalur SNBT/UTBK, tetap semangat! Kesempatan masih terbuka lebar, dan jalan sukses itu nggak cuma satu. Terus berusaha, percaya pada diri sendiri, dan berikan yang terbaik!