Growing in Faith: Confirmation Ceremony @ The Church of St. Francis de Sales

In the life of every Catholics, he/she has to go through 3 fundamental Sacraments/Rites known as the Sacraments of Initiations.
The last of those Initiation Rites is the Sacrament of Confirmation, where a person gets to reaffirm their Catholic faith + baptismal promises, and become full-fledged members of the Church.

Today, after almost half-a-year of studying the teachings of the Church, 10 of our Catholic kids went through the Confirmation Rites @ The St. Francis de Sales’ Church, accompanied by their proud, onlooking families.

To the 10 kids, Congratulations! May you continue to grow in your Catholic faiths, with the knowledge that you will always have a Global Community of Christian Catholics who will always support you in your journey as new Young Catholic Adults

Also shoutout to dedicated few who have shepherded our kids throughout their Confirmation Journeys (including a member of our faculty, Mr. Petrus Lilik) πŸ™πŸΌ


Di dalam Agama Katolik, salah satu Sakramen penting yang harus dijalani seseorang untuk menguatkan orang tersebut sebagai anggota Gereja Katolik adalah Sakramen Krisma/Penguatan.

Hari ini, 10 dari siswa/i kami menjalani Sakramen Krisma tersebut di gereja St. Fransis de Sales. Hadir juga keluarga mereka yang turut berbangga atas pencapaian putra/i mereka.

Kepada anak2 tersebut, kami ucapkan Selamat! Semoga anda akan terus berkembang dalam Iman Katolik-mu, dan ingat bahwa anda akan selalu mendapat dukungan + bimbingan seumur hidup dari Gereja Katolik dimanapun kamu berada, terutama di masa2 dimana kamu akan memulai hidup mu sebagai Mudika

Terima kasih juga kepada semua orang yang telah membimbing anak2 kami dalam perjalanan Krisma mereka, termasuk salah satu guru kami, Pak Petrus Lilik πŸ™πŸΌ


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