With “Anti-Bullying” as the theme, our middle school teachers guided the students in making vlogs for their special projects. We had hoped that this wouldincrease their motivation, concentration, independence, and especially their creativity. Through this P5 project assignment, students are also expected to be able to educate many people about the importance of helping, caring for each other, and avoiding bullying.
Dengan tema “Anti-Bullying”, para guru mengajak peserta didik secara berkelompok membuat vlog untuk meningkatkan motivasi, konsentrasi, kemandirian, dan terutama kreativitas peserta didik dalam belajar. Melalui tugas proyek P5 ini juga peserta didik diharapkan agar dapat mengedukasi banyak orang tentang pentingnya saling tolong menolong dan saling peduli antar sesama serta menghindari tindakan bullying yang berdampak negatif bagi semua pihak.