SD Kusuma Bangsa commemorate the Indonesian Independence Day

The funny expressions and ridiculous movements of the students made everyone who watched it laugh out loud. Even though some of the competitions were difficult, the students and the teachers enjoyed every moment.

Ultimately, we hope that these competitions has brought a spirit of unity and love for the country to the students of SD Kusuma Bangsa, and hopefully it has also taught them about the importance of independence and diversity within Indonesia


Ekspresi dan gerakan yang lucu peserta didik, membuat semua orang yang menyaksikan tertawa terbahak-bahak. Meskipun sulit, para siswa menikmati setiap momen.

Lomba-lomba yang seru dan penuh tawa telah membawa semangat persatuan dan cinta tanah air kepada peserta didik SD Kusuma Bangsa, mengajarkan mereka tentang arti pentingnya kemerdekaan dan keragaman dalam bingkai Indonesia.


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