Demetrio managed to receive Scholarship from LPDP

For the second year in a row, one of our students have managed to receive the “Indonesia Maju” Scholarship from LPDP.

With this scholarship, Demetrio has been accepted into the Bachelor of Science program at the University of British Columbia, majoring in Computer Science

We are all so very proud of Demetrio of his accomplishment! Congratulations, and best of luck at UBC!


Ini tahun kedua bagi kami, yaitu salah satu siswa kami kembali berhasil menerima Beasiswa “Indonesia Maju” dari LPDP.

Demetrio telah diterima di program Bachelor of Science di University of British Columbia, dengan jurusan Ilmu Komputer.

Kami semua sangat bangga dengan pencapaian Demetrio! Selamat, dan semoga sukses di UBC!


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