Kusuma Bangsa High School’s Collaboration with BTA 70
Hopefully this relationship will continue to develop and provide even more glorious results in the future
Hopefully this relationship will continue to develop and provide even more glorious results in the future
Let us continue to move forward and ensure that the quality of our education continues to be improved.
we were honored to have been chosen as the host of the Sports Envoy Program and also the Education USA Program
students depart for OSN 2023 training
Bringing Imagination and Technology to Life
Register now – Our scholarship quota is still available for 24/25 👌🏽
Stephen Howard dan Crystal Langhorne, pemain Basket NBA, turut hadir untuk memberikan sesi Coaching Clinic pada tanggal 9 Agustus 2023.
Sports Envoy Program yaitu Coaching Clinic, adalah dimana Stephen Howard dan Crystal Langhorne secara langsung memberi materi seputar basket.
Oleh Suharno, S.Pd.
Karya Tulis Pendidik Sekolah Kusuma Bangsa